Forgotten Children Worldwide
ONE man changed the world.
ONE mission ignited a revolution.
ONE cross-delivered redemption.
It was a bold and daring message, one that obliterated the borders of love. We are to love our neighbor, he told us. We are to defend the fatherless, the orphan, the widow, the imprisoned, the hungry, the naked, the sick, the poor.
Here at Forgotten Children Worldwide, we respond to that call by going throughout the world, by representing the transformative love of the ONE who declared that love knows no bounds. Each day, we are challenged to be the living representations of the ONE who changed everything.
And so this is our mantra, the song that we sing collectively and independently:
We will be the ONE.
We will be the Jesus to a broken world in need of love.
Life transformation. That is what we get the honor of witnessing. Children, who once struggled to have their most basic needs met, are learning of Jesus Christ, receiving the care and education that they deserve, and experiencing success in life. We recently received this short note from Laxmi, age 20. Her testimony is amazing and we give all of the glory to God!
"In the month of October, I completed my nursing course. It was a great moment in my life. Had it not been for Forgotten Children Worldwide my life would have been lost. My mother, who is a widow, was abused by my uncles. She, along with my sister and I, were used for cheap labor as slaves. Now, I am very grateful for my freedom.
I am working in the hospital where I did my nursing courses. Management selected me to work for them immediately after my graduation. During training, I led songs at chapel services and now I am growing stronger and stronger in the Lord. I thank Rebekah Children's Home for imparting spiritual training.
Today, I am in a position to support my mom with $60 per month. After six months I will be joining a different nursing home, which will pay me $100 per month and my perks will increase as the days go by. Praise the Lord!" Laxmi, age 20
A Major Focus in 2017 is providing self-sustainability for mothers caring for orphans and vulnerable children via microfinance. FCW provides small loans that, in turn, empower ladies to care for the most vulnerable.
"One of the microfinance families is already paying back at a rate of 62,000 UGS/ week (about $17). We are pleasantly astounded. Frankly, I asked if the woman was even keeping any profit because I couldn't see how and thought maybe she didn't understand the process. Cathy assured me she is keeping what she needs and is thrilled with the venture".
Janubai is a widow raising children in Hubli, India on a very meager income. FCW has come alongside her and provided a moderate-size loan so she can grow Bengal Grams (similar to chickpeas). This will provide a more robust income so she can become empowered to care for herself and her children. She will repay the loan with no interest.
Find out more about this amazing organization by clicking the link below!